Horst Gutmann
Horst Gutmann has worked for nearly ten years with Python mostly for small web projects or automating tasks. Over the years he also started getting involved with various community groups like the German Django Usergroup and PyGraz. Since the early 2000s Horst has tried to contribute to the F/OSS community where possible by first helping users with support issues (as former member of the phpBB support team) and later providing patches et al. to Django and other projects. He has also been volunteering for the PyConDE conference series between 2011 and early 2013 and now for EuroPython 2014 as part of their respective web teams.
Professionally but also in his free time Horst enjoys working with web and network technologies and in related fields. Right now, he’s working for Netconomy Software & Consulting GmbH in Graz on various mobile web applications.
Interested in django, golang, java, javascript, nodejs, python