Job offers

Come Join Us
RhodeCode provides the leading source code management solution for enterprises. We are powering the world`s largest organizations, who depend on our products to make their software development process more flexible, collaborative, productive & secure.
Every day millions of developers, project managers and QA engineers are using our innovative software which plays a central role in their work life.
Our company core values are about questioning the existing, being open & delivering just the absolutely outstanding.
Help us to make the world better for millions of people. Have a real impact. Have a look at our list of open positions and apply today!
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HP recruitment info
At HP Cloud, you'll build the future - one big idea at a time. Our goal is to provide the next generation of cloud infrastructure, platform services and cloud solutions for developers, ISVs, and businesses of all sizes. HP is committed to building a world class worldwide OpenStack professional Services organization that is focused on the enabling our customers to successfully plan, integrate, deploy and operate OpenStack solutions.
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Site Reliability Engineer at Otto Group BI
Join the Otto Group BI team and support us in developing new predictive services for our more than 120 group companies. As a Site Reliability Engineer, you will develop a highly scalable service infrastructure for predictive analytics. You will also be involved with hardening services, ensuring reliability, and establishing a Python-focused infrastructure for automated tests and for continuous integration. In tight collaboration with our data scientists and data architects you will set up a group-wide service directory and build a model management framework.
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Working for Lyst
Lyst delivers a compelling personalized online fashion experience, and we are looking for a Data Scientist to help us improve the way we use recommendations and personalization.
Does testing a world-class software implementation at a fast paced and rapidly growing company sound good? Building an automated build, test and release system from the ground up? Routing out performance bottlenecks simulating hundreds of transactions from thousands of users? We have multiple QA/SDET opportunities.
If you are interested in working for Lyst, get in touch and tell us more about you. We are growing rapidly and we’re always interested in interesting people.
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Amazon Data Services Ireland
Amazon Data Services Ireland opened its doors in 2005 in Dublin and has both a retail support operation and a growing Amazon Web Services business. In addition to building and operating hundreds of the World's top web properties, Amazon produces software for all types of networks and devices. Among the web properties and hundreds of stand-alone applications are some of the most innovative and intriguing new technologies in the world, including the Kindle, mobile applications for all major platforms and all manner of computing web services.
Key Technologies we use:
Python, Perl, Shel, Linux/Unix, Java, C, C++, Large Scale Computing, Distributed Systems, Data Mining, Optimization
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Python developers wanted
Blue Yonder is the leading SaaS provider for predictive applications in the European market. We have the largest team of world-class data scientists and we care about our employees. Quality in all aspects is our highest priority. We develop with agile methods, apply clean code techniques, and use/contribute to open source software. We are searching for a broad range of developers with various skills: beside Python we are looking for C++, machine learning, SQL, or cloud infrastructure. Join us in Karlsruhe, the heart of the largest German software cluster and a city with high quality of life.
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Team Lead, Online Services
DemonWare works closely with Activision Blizzard game development studios to produce software that is the backbone for the online experience in their games. From a title’s green-light to release day, we are involved in developing new features and content that drive the industry.
The Online Services team is responsible for developing the web APIs which are used to power the web experiences for Activision games. The team works with the web developers, and often with the game developers too, in order to provide an integrated experience from game to web. We're not looking for an experienced Python engineer to lead our talented Online Services team.
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Senior Software Engineer, Core Tech
The Core Tech team is responsible for developing and maintaining the core platforms used to build all game supporting services at DemonWare. Our internal teams leverage these platforms to provide a wide range of hosted services for some of the largest game franchises on the planet, such as Call of Duty and Skylanders.
We develop our services using Python, C++ and Erlang, backed by MySQL, Cassandra and other supporting technologies such as RabbitMQ, Sphinx, Zookeeper and Redis. Our development is geared towards low-latency and large-scale distributed systems that can handle millions of concurrently connected users with average response times of < 100 ms.
We are looking for an expert in delivering and maintaining services at this scale to bring a positive outside influence to DemonWare. This means that the person will use their previous experience and domain expertise to shape how we build our core platform and services today and in the future.
The role requires involvement with the entire development process at DemonWare, including guiding the organization through development and technology decisions around difficult technical problems with an eye towards the future of our platform; working with project owners to ensure these decisions can be delivered upon to meet our strict timelines; and ensuring that services can be managed by our operations team at scale.
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Python for the marketing web @1000mercis
1000mercis Group pioneered the Interactive Data Marketing revolution with its award-winning solutions for companies willing to optimize their customer acquisition and retention through online media (Internet, Mobile, Social Media and RTB CRM Display).
We’re passionate about technology and are driven by innovation, constantly looking to better ourselves and our services to our clients. As such, we’re always looking for people sharing our enthusiasm about being creative and challenged.
Full Python stack running on Nginx / uWSGI / Gevent / MongoDB / ZeroMQ & more Highly scalable designs with High Availability always in mind Continuous integration, quick iteration and new technology adoption Contribution and sponsoring of Open Source projects DevOps team work
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Software Developer (m/w)
Du bietest:
- Du hast Programmier- und Debugging-Kenntnisse in mindestens einer Programmiersprache
- Du kannst Python oder bist gewillt Python zu lernen!
- Du kennst gängige Protokolle, Technologien und Datenformate, wie z.B. HTTP, JSON, RPC
- Auch HTML ist Dir nicht fremd
- Du arbeitest sicher auf Linux-Systemen, vielleicht hast Du auch schon welche administriert
- Du meisterst SQL- und NoSQL-Datenbanken (wie PostgreSQL und Redis) – aufsetzen, betreiben, Queries schreiben!
- Du hast schon Erfahrungen beim Betrieb von hochverfügbaren und hochperformanten Web-Portalen sammeln können
- Du erklärst den Kollegen geduldig, warum etwas nicht geht – bleibst aber konstruktiv und versuchst alternative Vorschläge zu entwickeln
Wir bieten:
- Ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld, viel Eigenverantwortung in einer gelebten Mitgestaltungspflicht
- Agile Entwicklung mit Scrum/Kanban
- Opensource-Affinität

Softwareentwickler Web Application/Frontend (m/w)
Deine Aufgaben:
- Pflege und Weiterentwicklung unseres Portals
- Implementierung neuer Features mit Hilfe unseres Python Frameworks
- Weiterentwicklung unserer internen Redaktions- und Verwaltungstools
- Konzeption und Entwicklung neuer Softwarelösungen in Abstimmung mit dem Team
Unsere Erwartungen:
- Programmier- und Debugging-Kenntnisse, optimalerweise in Python
- Kenntnisse im Entwurf und der Umsetzung performanter, dynamischer Webseiten
- Kenntnisse in (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), Ajax
- Datenbank- und SQL-Kenntnisse (PostgreSQL , MySQL) sind wünschenswert
- Erfahrungen mit Paketierung (debian), Versionskontrolle (git), Unit-Tests und Linux sind von Vorteil
Wir bieten:
- Ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld, viel Eigenverantwortung in einer gelebten Mitgestaltungspflicht
- Agile Entwicklung mit Scrum/Kanban
- Opensource-Affinität

Senior Softwareentwickler Data Management (m/w)
Deine Aufgaben:
- Entwicklung unserer Backendsysteme (Massendatenverarbeitung, Webservices/API)
- Konzeption und Entwicklung neuer Softwarelösungen und Architekturen in Abstimmung mit dem Team
- Fachliche Begleitung von Entwicklungskollegen im Knowhow-Aufbau
- Fachliche Beratung der Kollegen im Produktmanagement
- Programmier- und Debugging-Kenntnisse in Python und mindestens einer weiteren Sprache
- Kenntnisse in gängigen Protokollen/Technologien/Datenformaten wie z.B. HTTP, JSON, RPC
- Kenntnisse in den Bereichen SQL und NoSQL (z.B. PostgreSQL, Redis)
- Routinierter Umgang mit Linux-Systemen
- Erfahrungen im Umgang mit verteilten Systemen und großen Datenmengen
Wir bieten:
- Ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld, viel Eigenverantwortung in einer gelebten Mitgestaltungspflicht
- Agile Entwicklung mit Scrum/Kanban
- Opensource-Affinität