Legal Notice

This website is run by the Python Software Verband e.V.


Python Software Verband e.V.
Schulstraße 20
15366 Neuenhagen bei Berlin

Phone +49 (0)3342 211 999 - 4
Fax +49 (0)3342 211 999 - 5

Vat Id: DE287430795

Register of associations: Amtsgericht Stendal
Registered office: Halle (Saale)
Registration number: VR 33442

Board of directors
Chairperson: Dr. Mike Müller, Leipzig
Deputy Chairperson: Reimar Bauer, Jülich
Treasurer and board member: Daniel Szoska, Neuenhagen b. Berlin


See German version


EuroPython 2014 uses the PDFreactor product by RealObjects for generating parts of the EuroPython 2014 brochure.

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@europython on Twitter
EuroPython on Facebook
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