Lightning Talks

22. Juli 2014 von 16:00 - 17:30
Titel Vortragende(r)
Elliptics Anton Tyurin
On Being Super Austin Bingham
PYCON Finland Mikko Ohtamaa
Regularities in language Dmitrijs Milajevs
pip install pyladies Lynn Root
Iktomi Forms Harut Dagesyan
Killer Robots Radomir Dopieralski
ZeroVM Lars
Zombies and Application Runtimes Dmitry Jemerov
FritzConnection - Communicate with the AVM Fritz Box Klaus Bremer
Argment Clinic Larry Hastings
PEP 473: Adding structured data to builtin exceptions Sebastian Kreft
Supporting Python 2 and Python 3 witth the same source code Stefan Schwarzer
Birthday Mark Shannon bepasty Thomas Waldmann
Python Core Security Christian Heimes
Hands On Unix garbas
Deproulette joar
